He must have got in at Calais…
Hello everyone, our apologies for the delay in this post. I can promise, we have been incredibly busy. Trying to start a distillery when you have a hotel and it’s the busiest time of the year is, well, let’s just say it’s been slightly stressful….
On a more positive note progress has been good, not ideal, but steady. We have had some large pieces of equipment arrive; Pot Stills, burners, Hot Liquor Tank, Mash Tun & some incredily sexy ex-Organix Px/Olorosso casks from Spain….
We have made great progress with selecting botanicals and running experiments for our #milltostill Gin, there has been some enforced tasting sessions…
Fermentation Vessels.
It is now (almost) water proof….
We have been totally humbled by the level of support from crowdfunders, friends, patrons and family. It’s getting quite heavy, but the end is in sight…..
Thank you, much love.