An eventful week….
Things have been moving along really well on the Dornoch Distillery front line.
This week we have been working hard on various insurance, health & safety and HMRC paperwork. It has been very exciting…
On a more positive note, we have received our pot stills & a few other pieces of equipment!

This landed in Dornoch
The hotel has also been extremely busy. We have had many lovely fellow whisky lovers and lot’s of crowdfunders come and visit us – Thank you!
We plan on closing the crowdfunding very soon as we only have 6 of the Octave packages remaining as of today!
We have be absolutely humbled by the level of support we have received from all of the crowdfunders! This week we have had support from; The Czech Republic, Germany, South Africa, Singapore, Switzerland and Dornoch!
We are now looking forward to starting production and fulfilling all of our obligations – if it wasn’t for you guys, Dornoch Distillery would not be a reality!

Quite exciting…..